Hearing Assistive Technology
CHC can help you learn about assistive technology that can help you live and communicate better inside and outside your home. We pride ourselves on keeping up to date with the latest technologies and resources so we can work with you, to make sure the devices are working for you.
Types of Assistive Devices
Assistive alerting devices are designed to react to alarm situations and are used to let a deaf or hard of hearing person know that some condition is occurring (such as smoke alarm, door bell or baby crying).
Amplified ring, flashing light, vibration alert for phone
Doorbell, knock and intercom
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
Alarm clock timer and watch
Communication Support
Although hearing aids are extremely useful in assisting individuals with hearing loss in their day to day activities, there are many situations in which the hearing aid alone will not provide sufficient benefit. The use of an assistive listening device (ALD) may be required to help in these situations.
Bluetooth Technology
Making Technology Work for You
50 Broadway, 6th. fl.
New York, NY 10004, USA
50 Broadway, 6th. fl.
New York, NY 10004, USA

Apps for Your Phone/Computer
Apps for Your Computer
Use Live Caption now available in Chrome
Use a Web-Based Speech-Recognition Tool e.g., Otter.ai
Enable Zoom's captioning option
Use a speech recognition app on your Smartphone in conjunction with your computer
Hire a Remote-Live Captioner
Follow the link to get tips on making videoconferencing more hearing loss friendly
Speech to Text Apps
We love Speech to text apps as it allows people to read what people are saying over the phone. Below are a few of our favorites:
Smart Technology and Your Hearing Aids
Many aids are now equipped with sophisticated software designed to:
Reduce background noise and enhance speech sounds
Use Bluetooth technology to pair or connect wirelessly to a smartphone, tablet, or TV
Greatly improve the sound quality of a phone call, video, or movie
Captioning Apps
InnoCaption, captions for free smartphone calls made anywhere at any time in the U.S. This means the person utilizing this service can both listen to the spoken language on the call and read it displayed on the digital screen of the smartphone in real-time, wherever you are, at home or on-the-go.

Phone Options and Phone Programs
Communication on the telephone may be difficult for individuals who are deaf
or hard of hearing for varying reasons. The issues may be volume or tonal or a
combination of both. For those that use a hearing aid, it is important to consider
hearing aid compatibility.
The telephone is “hearing aid compatible”
This means that the earpiece of the phone emits a magnetic field. If a hearing aid is equipped with a telephone coil or “T-coil,” this coil is able to respond to the magnetic field, allowing the hearing aid to pick up and amplify the voice from the phone directly. This also blocks surrounding sounds while the individual uses the telephone. The T-coil feature may also be used with a variety of Assistive Listening Devices.
Spanish and English Relay
A person who is deaf or hard of hearing can use a TTY to type their message, which is read aloud to the other caller by a relay operator. The operator types the spoken message of the hearing caller to the TTY user. English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English translations are also available for TTY Relay customers.
Free Telephone Program- FL
The CHC- FL office is able to offer a free amplified telephone to qualifying residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf/blind (visually impaired), or speech impaired. Phones are provided by Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. To learn more and sign up from the program click here.
Free Telephone Program- US
CapTel and CaptionCall are two excellent captioned phones that we recommend to our clients who have difficulty hearing when they’re on a standard phone. They are east to use and display captions quickly and with surprising accuracy. Both phones are available at no cost (must order through CHC audiologist or hearing specialist) .
Amplified Phones
There are many amplified telephones on the market from corded phones to cordless phones, speakerphones, and phones with answering machines and most have features such as volume and tone control, flashing light and loud ring, and pattern of ring variations, and memory and emergency one-touch buttons.
Captioned Phones
A person who is deaf or hard of hearing can use a TTY to type their message, which is read aloud to the other caller by a relay operator. The operator types the spoken message of the hearing caller to the TTY user. English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English translations are also available for TTY Relay customers.
Devices for Inside the Home
Amplified ring, flashing light, vibration alert for the phone
Captioning apps
Listening devices
Amplified ring, flashing light, vibration alert for the phone
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors specifically for hard of hearing/ deaf people
Alarm clock, timer, and watch

Extra loud doorbells
​Some doorbells and intercoms make a sound, flash a strobe light or lamp when pushed
Listening devices (ALD)
Entertainment area
Amplified ring, flashing light, vibration alert for the phone
Captioning apps
Listening devices
Wireless transmitters that sync your TV to your aids
Devices for Outside the Home
Classroom, meeting room, or lecture hall
The most common type of wireless device used in a classroom setting is an FM radio transmitter and receiver. With an FM, the speaker wears a small transmitter with a microphone. The listener wears a small receiver that may be used with headphones or with hearing aids via a neckloop. This enables the speaker and listener to move freely without wires between them. Conference microphones are also available designed to be put in the middle of a table and pick up the voices of several people at the same time.
For the teacher
FM system to amplify teacher's voice

For the student
Boots on aids that amplify noise from the FM system

Theater, Cinema, or House of Worship
The types of transmission used in a wide area system are FM radio transmission,
infrared transmission, and magnetic induction. All three systems transmit the
sound signal which is received by individuals in the audience who are wearing
special receivers that provide amplification. Please note that these different types
of receivers are not interchangeable and can only be used for the particular type
of system for which they have been designed. The CHC team is well-versed with
the various options on the market and is happy to discuss which solution works
best for your needs.
Noisy environment
Most hearing aid users have a difficult time understanding conversation when in a noisy environment. There are a few ways of dealing with noisy situations. Some hearing aid users are able to plug an extra microphone into their hearing aid(s) or use a personal communicator also known as a personal listener. These are small microphone/amplifier combinations, which can be used with a variety of headsets or with a neck loop in conjunction with hearing aids.
Assistive device demonstrations
CHC works with individuals and groups to review device options, personal and environmental benefits. If you're interested in making an appointment, please choose your locations below.