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CHC-NY In-Office Audiology Services Resume July 6

Updated January, 2021: CHC-NY is currently offering remote and in-office services to best meet the needs of our clients at this time.

  1. Audiology Services: You may book an appointment for any of our in-office services at this time with the exception of free hearing screenings. While we’re not offering in-office screenings, we invite you to contact us about an online hearing screening that you can take at home. Hearing aid repairs and custom earmolds are by appointment only. Walk-in services are not available at this time. We have introduced a number of remote audiological services that we encourage you to consider as well. Click here to learn about remote hearing testing, hearing aid programming, repairs and more. Tinnitus consultations are available through telehealth as well.

  2. Speech/Language/Educational Support:  At this time, we are primarily servicing clients of Speech/Language/Educational Support services through telehealth therapy sessions, but in-office appointments are also available on a limited basis.

  3. Emotional Health and Wellness: We are primarily servicing Emotional Health and Wellness clients through telehealth  therapy sessions, but in-office appointments are available on a limited basis.

Click here to learn about office protocols we have put into place to ensure your safety and the safety of our staff.

Updates On Appointment Process and Safety Protocols

Dear CHC Clients,

We miss you. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

It has been a very challenging time since the pandemic hit New York. We realize that many of you postponed seeking care during the peak of the COVID crisis and are once again thinking about your hearing health care needs and well-being. Although we have been seeing clients remotely whenever possible, we know that for many audiology services, in-person visits are required. We are now confident that we can safely reopen our office for these appointments.

Audiology Services by Appointment Only

Please note that in order to keep everyone as safe as possible we will be limiting the number of people in the office at any one time. All visits will be by appointment only; we will not be offering walk-in dispensary/technology services until further notice. Whenever possible, we will have same-day appointments to handle your hearing aid emergencies. Please call 917-305-7766 or email us at to schedule an appointment.

For your safety and convenience as we resume in-person care, we will continue to offer telemedicine for virtual care as appropriate.

Additional Safety Protocols

As always, we are mindful of proper infection control procedures but have additional policies and protocols in place, specifically as recommended by the CDC for Covid-19. We have instituted the following safety measures to protect our clients and staff throughout the crisis. Please understand that the following policies are put into place for the safety and well-being of everyone and will be strictly followed.

Upon Arrival

  1. All staff and clients will receive ‘no touch’ temperature checks as they enter our office.

  2. Only clients with an appointment will be allowed on agency premises. No spouses, family, or friends will be allowed to accompany clients. Non-patients must be limited to aides and chaperones for clients who are unable to attend without them.

  3. All clients will be required to complete a health screening questionnaire upon arrival at CHC.

Social Distancing

  1. Strict social and physical distancing measures are in place. We will endeavor to minimize time in waiting areas, chairs will be at least six feet apart, and appointment times for client visits will be staggered.

Maintaining a Clean Space

  1. The office is rigorously and repeatedly cleaned and disinfected, concentrating on frequently touched surfaces in exam rooms and waiting areas. New flooring has been installed in public areas that allow for improved sanitation.

Protective Equipment

  1. All clients and visitors over the age of two and all staff are required to wear a mask, face shield, or other face covering at all times in accordance with CDC recommendations.

  2. All staff will wash hands between every patient in accordance with CDC guidelines and will have non-latex gloves available as needed.

Appointment Scheduling

  1. To limit time in the office, clients will be encouraged to schedule any follow-up appointments utilizing telehealth where applicable.

  2. We also anticipate offering early morning hours for those who prefer to travel during off-peak hours.

Prepare for Your Appointment

If you have decided you are ready to come in for an in-person hearing test, we are now scheduling a new pre-visit session conducted by video or phone for all annual hearing tests and first-intake appointments. This will give you and your audiologist a chance to connect before the in-person appointment and zero in on what your needs are. It will also help our audiologist prepare ahead to make your in-person appointment more efficient (e.g., If you want to try a hearing aid, we will have it available at your in-person appointment rather than requiring you to come back for a subsequent visit).

To shorten face-to-face time with staff and total time in the office, we encourage our clients to be ‘web-enabled’ in our electronic medical records system (EMR). Send us a web message to update your medical history, medications and allergies, and share your ‘reason for visit’ in writing. To sign up for our patient portal, please click here.

Please visit our website at for additional information, including updated health insurance plans that we have joined, webinar presentations that have been published during the pandemic, links to important websites, and many of our handouts and forms.

During this difficult time, many experience strong emotions and feel overwhelmed. If you are experiencing loss and grief, we offer our sincere condolences. CHC’s Emotional Health and Wellness Department may be able to provide support at this time. Please contact Jeff Wax at

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.


Providers and staff at the Center for Hearing and Communication

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