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Discover a world of assistive listening technology

Free weekly group devices demo

Terrence Williams, Asst. Dir, CHC’s Berelson Hearing Technology Center

Do you struggle to hear when you talk on the phone? Does your hearing loss make it  difficult to participate in meetings and social gatherings? Are you concerned about the safety of a loved one?

You’ll be happy to know there’s a world of assistive devices and apps at your disposal— marvels of technology that can enhance hearing and communication, keep a loved one safe and provide access to vital information.

This is the Golden Age of assistive technology and every day at CHC we are transforming the lives of our clients by connecting them with simple (and ingenious) technology solutions.

Join us Thursdays at 2 p.m.

Assistive listening devices ALDs for hearing loss

Terrence Williams, H.I.S., in assistive devices counseling session at CHC-NY

You’re invited to learn about assistive devices at our free weekly devices demonstration every Thursday at 2 p.m. Come with your spouse, parent or friend and discover solutions to the communication issues in your life. Hearing aid users and nonusers are welcome.

Group demonstrations are customized to meet the needs of those attending each week, but highlights often include:

  1. Assistive listening devices like captioned phones and wireless TV headsets

  2. Apps that caption conversations in real time

  3. Hearing aid accessories that stream your TV and smartphone directly to your aids

  4. Alerting devices that signal with a flashing light when the doorbell rings or a vibration when your alarm clock goes off

Terrence Williams, Assistant Director of CHC’s Berelson Hearing Technology Center,  facilitates the weekly sessions. With over 30 years of experience at CHC, Terrence is fluent in all the latest technological advancements and highly skilled at identifying the right app or device for each individual.

Muriel and Murry Kalik Connection Center

The free weekly devices demos take place in CHC’s Muriel and Murry Kalik Connection Center, a refurbished space newly outfitted with the latest assistive and alerting technology. These sessions, open to the public, are just one of many programs presented by the Muriel and Murry Kalik Connection Center.

Technology used for the demonstrations was generously donated by Silent Call Communications, Sonic Alert and Sound Associates.

Contact us

Weekly demos will begin February 20, 2020, and will take place every week thereafter (except holidays). But it’s always a good idea to contact us at (917) 305-7700 or to confirm in advance.

If you prefer to meet with Terrence individually for a scheduled appointment, please call us at (917) 305-7766 or email us at

Video: 3 Apps for Better Communication with Hearing Loss

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