Dear CHC Clients, Supporters and Friends,

Laurie Hanin, Ph.D., CCC-A Executive Director
I sincerely hope that you and your family are safe and healthy, and that we all find the strength and wisdom to work together to get through this very challenging time.
Last week at CHC, we all transitioned to working at home, as I’m sure many of you did. We are providing as much of our services as we can using teletherapy, email, and the phone. Our staff has been working tirelessly to try to provide the help and support you need for your hearing health care and wellness. Over the next few weeks we will be sending information about best practices and tips for working remotely with a hearing loss and adding more interactive, online programming.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally with any of your thoughts or questions. Of course you can email or call your audiologist, speech pathologist, or therapist, and they will help you with whatever you need. Should you have a general inquiry, please call us at (917) 305-7700 in New York, (954) 601-1930 in Florida or click here to submit an email. Links to contacts by department are below:
Our offices will be closed until at least April 20; we’ll reach out via email to keep you updated and also post messages on our website and Facebook page. Until we open, we are here for you virtually, and hope that before too long we are all back at 50 Broadway.
All my best,

Laurie Hanin, PhD, CCC-A Executive Director (917) 305-7760