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Celebrate World Hearing Day with CHC's Go-To Hearing Tech Solutions

Updated: 3 days ago

Headshots of the seven members of CHC's audiology team

Hearing aids are a powerful tool, but they’re not always enough in every situation. That’s where assistive hearing technology comes in.

So in celebration of World Hearing Day, the CHC Audiology Team (above) has put together a list of our favorite Go-To Hearing Tech Solutions to keep you engaged and connected in challenging listening situations.

Many of these devices, apps and more can be helpful whether or not you use hearing aids or a cochlear implant.

CHC's Go-To Hearing Tech Solutions


  • Google Live Transcribe - An Android app that provides real-time transcription of speech, making conversations more accessible for individuals with hearing loss.

  • Apple Live Captions - A feature that provides real-time transcription of spoken content on Apple devices, including phone calls and media playback.

  • InnoCaption - A mobile app offering real-time captioning of phone calls using live stenographers or automated speech recognition.

  • FaceTime Accessibility - Apple's video calling service that supports features like Live Captions to enhance communication..

  • Auto Captions in Virtual Meetings - A feature that automatically generates captions during virtual meetings using Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.

  • GalaPro - An app delivering real-time captions and translations for live theater performances.

Listening Improvement

  • FM System – Wireless microphone system, such as Phonak Roger On, that uses FM signals to transmit speech directly to hearing aids or cochlear implants, improving clarity in noisy environments and over distance.

  • Remote Mics (Mini Mics) – Small, wireless microphones, available from Oticon, Resound, Widex, Phonak and other manufacturers, that clip onto a speaker or sit on a table to stream speech directly to hearing aids.

  • Auracast - An emerging Bluetooth technology that enables audio sharing from a single device to multiple Bluetooth receivers, enhancing group listening experiences.

  • Hearing Loops - A specialized sound system available in certain public and private spaces that transmits audio directly to telecoil-equipped hearing aids.

Accessible Entertainment

  • Access Guide to NYC - CHC's communication access resource that empowers people with hearing loss to get more out of their NYC experiences, whether dining out, seeing a show, going to the movies, or visiting a museum.

We hope you'll give these tech solutions a try the next time you're having difficulty following the conversation.

Contact Us

Contact us if you have any questions about how to use the apps or devices included here. Submit your questions using our Ask the Experts online form and we will get back to you within 2 working days.

To learn more about these tech solutions and others, schedule a visit with a CHC audiologist and discover better hearing today!

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