With the help of dedicated and caring professionals at the Center for Hearing and Communication, Rex and Max have the opportunity to fulfill any of their dreams.
Rex and Max’s Story
Eight years ago, at the age of one, our son Max was diagnosed as profoundly deaf. We were devastated when we realized that Max had never heard us sing him a lullaby or even tell him we loved him. We didn’t know if he would ever be able to talk or go to school—we were afraid of what the future would bring.
From the minute we walked in the door at the Center for Hearing and Communication, we knew we were in the right place. CHC offered us the emotional support we so desperately needed as well as all of the critical services Max required. He saw audiologists who tested his hearing repeatedly, evaluated him with hearing aids, and made sure that he could hear as much as was possible, and immediately began attending speech therapy. There, the incredible speech pathologists began the process of helping Max learn to talk, which was our goal for him. Ultimately the decision was made that Max needed a cochlear implant, which he received. When he was age three he received his second implant. Today, at age nine, his speech is beautiful and he is thriving in a mainstream fourth-grade classroom. It is clear his future will have no limits. He says he wants to be an astronaut, and maybe he will be one!
Five years ago, our second son, Rex, was also born deaf. His loss was diagnosed very shortly after birth, but this time around, thanks to CHC, we were able to envision Rex’s future with confidence very early on. We could look to his big brother, Max, and know that with the help of CHC, Rex would learn how to talk and how to listen. Rex began services at CHC when he was only four weeks old; he was under two months of age when he was first fitted with hearing aids and started speech therapy, and got his first cochlear implant at the age of nine months. Now, at age five, his speech and language are right where they should be!
We feel incredibly lucky that we found the Center for Hearing and Communication when we did. The dedicated and caring team of professionals at the Center for Hearing and Communication continues to help Rex and Max develop the skills that they need, and we know that both boys now have the opportunity to fulfill any of their dreams.