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Speechreading is fun! NYC’s only lip reading training program

Spring is a great time to embrace self-improvement. May we suggest improving your speechreading skills? Speechreading (once known as lipreading) is a highly effective tool to help people with all degrees of hearing loss hear spoken language better.

Most people learn to speechread to varying degrees. But at the Center for Hearing and Communication (CHC) we help people develop their speechreading skills to the highest level possible so they can get the most benefit.

Speechreading therapy at CHC’s New York office is conducted one-on-one for six to 10 sessions by Linda Kessler, a highly regarded speech pathologist with expertise working with adults who are deaf and hard of hearing. Some clients then decide to take part in our group speechreading program.

CHC now participates in a wider array of private and government health plans, so now is a great time to contact Linda Kessler and see what speechreading therapy could do for you.

Maura shares her experience

“I know that hearing aids and cochlear implants are a first step in dealing with hearing loss. I am not sure many people are aware of the degree to which speechreading can augment one’s understanding of spoken language.

Linda Kessler has taught speechreading for many years and is an expert in the field. At the start, she advised me not to study from a book before taking the lessons, and I can easily understand her advice. Her lessons are specifically sequenced and highly organized. She has a tried and true method of teaching speechreading.

Additionally, Linda is very aware of the frustrations those with hearing loss face and provides information to enhance one’s ability to navigate social situations.

Learning speechreading is both interesting and fun, and I enjoy my weekly individualized lessons with Linda. I am eager each week to find out what I will be learning.”

– Maura, a CHC client

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